
Adopted persons

Support for adoptees.



Young person

Accessing support

As an adopted young person, you can contact Adopt North East on 0191 643 5000 and speak to a Social Worker to explore support until you are 21 years old, or 25 years old if you have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP).  

The Social Worker will work alongside you to understand your experiences and needs, and explore possible specialist support available to you. It may be that the Social Worker can build a relationship with you and your family, signpost you to services, or it may be that they can put more specialist therapeutic support in place.  


It is likely that some form of contact arrangement will have been set up at the time of adoption, and research informs us that contact with birth relatives is important and has benefits for those who have experienced adoption. We understand that wishes around contact can change over time, reflective of changing circumstances and relationships.  

Exploring young people’s wishes around contact and supporting them in this journey can offer an understanding of their birth relatives, support with managing feelings of loss and separation, and support the exploration of identity and their life story.  

However, we acknowledge that contact and wanting to explore contact can create complex feelings for young people and their families.

Adopt North East supports the exploration of contact to make it as safe as possible for young people, their families and birth relatives.  



Access to records

Adoption is a positive experience for most, however adults who were adopted may have questions in relation to their origins and may have struggled with a range of specific issues in their life that they feel relate to their experience of adoption and identity. Many adults who have been adopted may want to explore and talk about how this affected them. 

Adopt North East can support adopted adults to access to records if they are over 18 years of age and are resident in the Local Authority area of:

  • Gateshead Council

  • Newcastle City Council

  • North Tyneside Council

  • Northumberland County Council

  • South Tyneside Council

If you were adopted by one of these councils but live outside of the area, you will be signposted to the specific council who will deal with your request.  Please contact us at or 0191 643 5099 for further information.

Family Connections can offer information, advice, and direct support about the adoption of your child.

• Telephone Advice

• A virtual or face-to-face meeting with a Support Worker

• Provide Information and advice about how an adopted person can obtain a copy of their original birth certificate from the General Registrar Office

• Help an adopted person to obtain information from adoption records so that they can have more information about the circumstances of their adoption and their origins

• A range of Advice Leaflets

• Signposting to other organisations and resources that may be of help

How can I get support?


Telephone: 0191 643 5099