You do not need to own your own property to adopt. You will need to be able to evidence that your landlord will allow you to care for a child/ren in your home and that, so far as is possible, your tenancy is secure to enable you to offer a stable home environment to an adopted child.
You will need enough space to accommodate an adopted child. This is to ensure that an adopted child has their own space in order for them to feel settled and secure. This is usually their own bedroom. Where an adoption involves sibling children, the Agency may agree to the children sharing a room, dependent on age and stage of development. . If you are unsure whether your home is big enough, do contact us to discuss this issue.
There can be many advantages to living with extended family or other adults. Adopt North East will need to meet with and discuss adoption with all the adult members of your household to understand the advantages and challenges for a child. We would want to make sure that a child would be able to build safe, positive and secure relationships.
The most important consideration is that you and your family give the emotional space and time needed to settle an adopted child into your family before you try for a birth child.
Many people applying to adopt have children that they already care for. Adopters with previous or current experience of caring for children have many of the skills required. Where an applicant has care of a child or children, Adopt North East will assess not only the suitability of the adopter but also the potential impact of adoption on child/ren already in their care.
Many applicant adopters have previously adopted.
Where an applicant has care of a child or children, Adopt North East will assess not only the suitability of the adopter but also the potential impact of adoption on child/ren already in their care.
Pet owners can adopt. Adopt North East will however need to be sure that any pet that you own does not pose a threat to a child’s health or safety. A report from a vet may be requested.
You might also need to be willing to make changes to the routines and care that you have established with your pet/s to meet the needs of a child.
Adopt North East requires that a couple relationship be a minimum of 12 months duration at the point of application. This enables the applicants to evidence that their relationship will provide a reasonable expectation that it will provide an adopted child with stability and consistent care.
Single people can adopt; many children are successfully parented by a single parent. A significant proportion of adopters are, for a range of reasons, single. Adopt North East will work with applicants who are single to identify who is within their support network and the contribution that the network would be able to make to the care of a child.
Adopt North East requires that you have stability in your personal life so that you would be able to provide an adopted child with the stability and consistent care that they need. If you are unsure, then do ask Adopt North East for advice.
Adopt North East requires that you have stability in your personal life so that you would be able to provide an adopted child with the stability and consistent care that they need. If you are in a non-cohabiting relationship, Adopt North East would be happy to discuss with you whether, for the purposes of assessment for adoption, the circumstances of your relationship mean that you should be assessed as a solo adopter or assessed as a couple.